
Bold Forward Vision “You are God’s child, deserving of love and respect and God will use you to change the world.”

Church History

Our congregation dates its beginning as early as 1848 which was before the end of slavery in the United States. At that time, we were considered a ward of the Methodists Episcopal Church, South.

We have no complete history, and little is known of the members of the early church. However, in 1866 the formerly enslaved Methodists in Jackson, TN organized their own congregation and Bishop Isaac Lane is thought to be the first pastor.

On June 16, 1866, William S. Callaway sold to several white Methodists a parcel of land known as the brickyard lot, on Shannon Street for two hundred dollars ($200) for the use of the formerly enslaved Methodists. A building was erected called Jackson Station or sometime referred to as Jackson Circuit Colored Methodist Church.




Do not pass by someone in need. When you join our congregation, you join a community fed by love and hope, one in which everyone is welcome. Join us and discover the power of prayer, faith and humility. 



Love thy neighbor as thyself.  This is not only a central tenant of Christianity, it may be the one that guides all else. To treat others with respect, kindness, and love is what we strive for, every day, in everything we do. 



You don’t need a reason to help.  All you need is opportunity. Together, we'll find places where our assistance would be most appreciated and we offer help, guidance, companionship and love. 



Your life is your message to the world.  Fill it with meaning and hope, with love for the Lord and with compassion for all of the Lord's children. You are never alone when the Lord is with you, and He is always with you. 


Preparing for Bible Study one week, the pastor stumbled upon the term LifeGroups. It was perfect timing because the pastor had begun to organize the church into committees to address four different areas of ministry within the church. Putting a new twist on the meaning, the pastor changed the committee structure to LifeGroups. Church members were invited to sign up for what was initially committees and now are LifeGroups that are made up of a small group of 6-12 believers who meet as necessary to address the church’s ministry in four areas

  • LifeGroups Leaders

    Each LifeGroup has a leader assembles the members of the LifeGroup. Each LifeGroup has specific goals and work toward that end.  Each month the LifeGroup leader reports to the Church Conference.

Recent Sermons

Join us and explore the Lord's wisdom with us. Many hearts united for one goal. 

Our Calling 

Every member of our Church has come with a calling. To bring love and faith, to heal and to listen, to find meaning in the world and to help discover meaning in this gift of life. Our calling is your calling. We are one with the Lord. 

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  • East TN Annual Coference 2024

    July 10th - 12th

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